Mixed Bag, The Series is a web-based written fiction series that centers on a group of concessions food service workers at a baseball stadium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The wide variety of characters experience highs and lows in their everyday lives inside and outside of work. Family, social events, hobbies, and other activities come into play. Much of Mixed Bag, The Series is loosely based on true events.
Mixed Bag The Series
Mixed Bag, The Series has aspirations of being made into a television show and we hope that our stories and characters are entertaining enough to become a successful show. Many everyday people have at some point in their lives worked in food service or an environment like it and their stories and voices are rarely heard.
We seek to change that… so we write… and we are not politically correct or trying to appease the masses. We are who we are, and proud of not only our writings, but also our Midwest upbringing.